
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mommy Reborn's Purpose

This blog is another leap of faith among the many I'm taking this year. It started last night as a rekindling of my interest in writing the way I used to way way back when my firstborn was a baby. The kind of writing that is carefree and almost uncensored... that was just like you're listening to me when I talk. I do miss that 'cause it was fun and kind of liberating.

You see when I started off in 2011, I was just inspired to write about my new life as a first-time mom. Soon after that, I started stalking my blogging idols' sites and compared my blog and my life to theirs. I was young in my early twenties facing some hard battles at that time and to cut the long story short, I found myself envying theirs and promising myself to work on my blog and life to be like theirs.

No wonder I lost myself in the process. Because I had always looked forward to live somebody else's life or somebody else's dream!

No matter how many times I tried starting over again another blog, it seemed I would always meet a dead end where I didn't feel like writing there anymore. My old blogs seemed not to feel like home.

Perhaps I don't feel at home there anymore because I built them for others and not for myself. 

So tonight, I'm putting myself on a commitment. That I've got to live my life the best way I can and I'm gonna write that journey down. And that the purpose of this blog is to be a witness that this year of 2017 is my year of faith, the year I lived my best. 

Not doing this for others but for myself because I cannot bless others with an empty cup. My cup has to be filled first, and so perhaps in the long run, people will be blessed too.

Let's make it happen. Cheers to the next 355 days of our life, God willing! #mommyreborn

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love your reflection and just allowing yourself to go with the flow! Cheers to 2017!
